Snapdeal App is giving Rs 50 snapdeal cash on sign up and Rs 50 for refer and earn. Now You can earn by refer Rs.250 SD Cash balance in 1 account So completing Rs.250 SD Cash in your account then change it on other account to register. With the snapdeal cash reward money you can shop for any product and pay with SD cash you earn.This offer is unfortunately being missed/overlooked by us and we apologize for not posting such a great offer any sooner. To make up we have added unlimited snapdeal cash refer and earn trick.
Steps for Get Rs.50 On signup & Rs.50 per refer on Mobile:-
Click Here to Download or update SnapDeal App First (only avalible on snapdeal new version)
2. Now open app and you will se a option for EARN REWARD
3. Click On EARN REWARD and enter this refer code for get 50Rs instant Sd Cash - 7DHp31525
4. Now input your mobile number and verify it. (Make sure to use a unregistered mobile number which you haven't used in snapdeal before to sign up.)
5. Now login/Signup with your snapdeal account
6. You will get 50Rs Snapdeal Cash